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From the creator of the Kentipede comes the new Katerpillar modular mobile base. While the Kentipede was designed for utmost durability and safety, the Katerpillar is designed as a lightweight alternative, being Mk3-compliant in order to fit into your choice of cargo shuttle.Fully assembled, the design totals a mere 50 parts, able to perform scientific experiments and ISRU refueling operations. And at just over 20 tons, deployment should prove no challenge for both new and existing transports.¨¨Please be advised, the Katerpillar is prone to roll when turning at high speeds, and has low ground clearance. Should this be a significant issue, it is suggested that you consider using its sister design, the Kentipede.
A mod aircraft called Katerpillar. Built with 50 of the finest parts, its root part is dockingPortLarge.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
- Type: SPH
- Class: base
- Part Count: 50
- Pure Stock
- Squad (stock)