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- Type: SPH
- Class: spaceplane
- Part Count: 65
- Pure Stock
SSTO To Deliver 6 Crew, 30Mono, 1200LF & 800LF&OX to LKO Station
For use in conjunction with the (252) Local Moon Shuttle, parked at your LKO Station.
Once Docked, transfer above mentioned fuel to your (252) Local Moon Shuttle. The 1200LF and 30 Mono serve as fuel for the shuttle itself, allowing enough Dv for a return trip to either of Kerbins local moons. The 800LF&OX is stored in a locked fueltank on the Shuttle, to be transferred to the (252) Moon Lander, docked at your Moon Station.
This system allows for a trip to the surface of either of the local moons for 6000 Cash.
(Correction 4850cash not 6000)
A stock aircraft called (252) Stinger SSTO. Built with 65 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.9.1.