Hawk v2
by OrbitsR4Sissies
uploaded 2021-06-28
stock+DLC spaceplane
#spaceplane #SpaceShuttle #rocketplane #stock #DLC

The Hawk is a true rocketplane, like the real NASA Space Shuttle. Rather than solid rockets for boost, it’s an all liquid propellant vehicle. The launch design lowers and centers the center-of-mass and lift of the spaceplane so that the vehicle is resistant to flipping on ascent.

Flying it is much like the Space Shuttle. After liftoff, around 50m/s and over 1000m, ROTATE the vehicle so that the 90 degree marker is UP on the navball (default key E). Then, press default key S to pitch the Hawk’s nose up to make your gravity turn.

Keep Hawk’s turn slow but assertive. For efficiency, stay within 70km to 80km as your AP height. When the side boosters are expended, your center booster will easily complete orbit. If you are efficient, this will leave you just enough to leave for either Mun or Minmus with a touch off the two Thuds. The center boost stage can get additional tanks for more range, or you can stretch the side boosters.

Hawk is very stable on entry and gliding flight. The Thuds can make up for any shortage of glide energy but use the screenshots to see a suggested target of entry for glide energy to the KSC. Don’t let Hawk yaw on entry. Set RCS from its orbital power of 33% to 100% to aid in entry.

Hawk comes with a passenger module, but a small cargo bay can be swapped.

A stock rocket called Hawk v2. Built with 97 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.12.0.


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 97
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.0

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