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Action Groups
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The .ckan metapackage for this craft has downloaded.
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can be downloaded
- Type: VAB
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 145
- Mods: 4
- Hullcam VDS
- Making History DLC
- Squad (stock)
A mod rocket called Kerpollo-Jool III (MEM). Built with 145 of the finest parts, its root part is FASAApollo.CM.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.7.3.
Technically a troll rocket to see what else one can do with the Saturn V design. But then came out it actually works. Be aware of FPS drops!
Working action groups for launch abortion and floating devices on the CM after splashdown. CM RSC and LEM RCS have extra action groups and can be toggled.
Advanced Strutting options have to be activated in game options. This rocket is tall and WILL start to wobble if advanced strutting isn’t enabled - most parts are set to rigid attachment and autostrut heaviest part, so you only have to activate the game option - craft is already configured correctly.
Be sure to have each one dedicated pilot both in CSM and LEM if you want to use the MEM in space. SAS of both CSM and Lander require a pilot to work as there are no remote controlling devices and action wheels after separating the S-IVB stage.
- initial release
Thread @ KSP-Forum: