Hello! Welcome all to Kris Kerb’s Aerospace Corporation! To some of you, welcome back! To our returning customers, you will notice that we are now under new management, signified by the changed name. I’m sure you will have many questions about this. The short answer is that the (ahem) AI that was previously managing our corporation suffered rampancy, and the KKAC decided that entrusting business decisions to a computer wasn’t the best–business decision. Even if it could make a mean cuppa joe. So! The robots are out, the Kerbals are back in–and we have new craft to showcase! Let’s not waste any more of your precious time and we’ll get straight down to business!
We are in the process of re-acquiring the blueprints for the previous models of craft constructed under the KKAE line, to any clients that have purchased those craft previously, please be patient while we rebuild. Also, in addition to using our resources in-house to provide you with the highest quality craft, we are now accepting outside client orders. Please visit our sales representatives to make sure your designs are properly archived (comment in-thread or message me). Lastly, please refer to the data sheet in the craft hangars (KerbalX) for any specialized parts (mods).