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A small and very dangerous SSTO originally made in 2016. Its signature characteristic is its ability to ascend with such power on air-breathing that it spares lots of dV or time to Ap for its nuclear engine to do its job, and so has no need for an LFO engine. It is also intended to descend sharply and make maximum use of its airbrakes to spare its cockpit from melting, but it may G-LOC its passengers.
Its CoM is in its cargo bay and is un-moving.Ascend at 25° to 10km or Mach 2 then pitch at 10~15°. Low-slung engine nacelles will produce a lot of torque but also stabilize with gimbal so give no steering input during runaway thrust. On descent use airbrakes and try to maintain high AoA (30°) until decelerated to about Mach 7. Unlike the modern tri-engine version, this one insists on flying level due to lack of elevon authority towards the cockpit.
Built for stock scale in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3.
- Type: SPH
- Class: spaceplane
- Part Count: 59
- Mods: 3
- Orbit Portal Technology [OPT] Spaceplane Parts (Legacy)
- Squad (stock)
- opt