Polikarpov Po-2
by HowAboutAStone
uploaded 2021-11-15
stock+DLC aircraft
#Po-2 #Po2 #Biplane #Stock #Polikarpov

A Stock Replica of the Polikarpov Po-2 Night Witch

Maximum Speed 50m/s (180km/h)
Minimum Speed ~20m/s (72km/h)
Standard Cruise Speed 30-40m/s (~100km/h-140km/h)
Speeds match the real Po-2

Handles almost like the real Po-2 and equipped with 4 Stock Bombs (~500kg)

Takeoff: Slowly increase your Throttle and keep steering right until you reach around 10m/s where you straighten out the Plane. The Plane will take off at around 26m/s and when in the air Press G too stop the wheels motors. Now have Fun flying :D

Landing: Befor landing Press G two Times too Spin up the Wheels then fly as slow as you can (slightly over 20m/s) and touchdown (under 1m/s Altittute loss!!!) with the Wheels and the Tail at the same time. Brake when you are at around 10m/s. A prayer too Stalin might help as the Wheels are sensitive while landing. Good Luck it works but takes a bit too get used too.

Bombs are Activatet via Staging and are very accurate as seen in the last picture i was able too get them inside the Truck wich is a 3m long and 1.6m wide Target.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 319
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.11.1

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