KSP craft sharing
MOAR Filters!
Only Pure Stock craft
Only Modded craft
Just Vertical craft
Just Horizontal craft
No subassemblies
Only subassemblies
Exclude DLC craft
Only show DLC craft
Toggle Mod Filters
Toggle Extra Filters
Filter by Craft Class
Filter by Science parts
Limit part count to a range
Limit crew capacity
Limit craft mass to a range
Limit craft value to a range
Filter by Tech Level
Filter by KSP version
Filter by old KSP versions
clear filters
Limit Part Count
between 0 and 300
Crew Capacity
between 0 and 3
Craft Mass
between 0 and 200
Craft Cost
between 0 and 238.1k
Required Tech Filter:
0 nodes selected
open tech tree / change selection
drop .ckan file here
Airplane Plus
Use mod filters to select craft that;
Find craft that will work if you had these mods installed
Find craft that use parts from each selected mod (but may use other mods too)
Find craft that use all the mods you've selected and don't require additional mods
Use the Mod Filters to search for craft according to the mods that they use. Select 1 or more mods using the mod search text field and KerbalX will find craft that use those mods. The filters can work in three different ways;

This filter will find craft that will work if you had the selected mods installed. The craft returned will use all or a subset of the selected mods.

For example if you select "B9" and "BahamutoD's Armory", the craft shown will either use just B9 or just BahamutoD's Armory or both together.

This filter finds craft that use all of the selected mods and may also use other mods.

For example if you select B9 it will find craft that have atleast 1 B9 part (amongst others). If you then selected KAS it will find craft that have at least 1 B9 and 1 KAS part.

This filter finds craft that use all of the selected mods without any other mods.

Like include, it will find craft with at least 1 part from each selected mod, but unlike include they won't have parts from any other mods.
Sort by
Invert current sort
more sort options
Filter by uploaded

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