Aircraft Pushback-4w
by whale2
uploaded 2018-01-20
mod rover
#groundoperations #pushback



A mod aircraft called Aircraft Pushback-4w. Built with 34 of the finest parts, its root part is PushBackFrame-3.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.

The latest innovation in pushback technology. This pushback truck is actually capable of raising the nose wheel of the aircraft being towed. Chances of the aircraft explosion significantly lowered. As a result, towing the heavy aircraft around is even more fun now.

As usual, you would need special parts: Pushback Truck Frame and Heavy High-Torque Wheel along with UbioZur Welding Mod.


Operating Manual


  • Position the truck in front of the nose gear and engage brakes
  • Lower the gear platform to the ground level
  • Extend locking arms
  • Lock arms so the nose gear strut is held by locking arms
  • Disengage brakes on the aircraft
  • Gently pull the aircraft so the nose gear is positioned on the gear platform
  • Raise the platform slightly above the ground
  • Disengage brakes and move the aircraft as needed
  • For releasing the aircraft, lower the platform and unlock the arms


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 34
  • Mods: 6


  • B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
  • Ferram Aerospace Research
  • Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Core Pack
  • SDHI Strobe-O-Matic Warning Rotator Lights
  • Squad (stock)
  • TweakScale - Rescale Everything!

Note - Not all the parts of this craft were detected
Some parts on this craft were not recognised. The craft is fine, it just means the list of mods might be incomplete.
The KerbalX knowledge base of mods doesn't include these parts (yet).

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