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RelicFinder rover design were based on Mars rover Curiosity. Primary objective was to have a rover that can be delivered on barrel otherwise on atmosphere planets. The control is on the rover and not on the delivery system. The heat shield must be ditched before landing… also retract the solar panels/legs before reentry if landing on a planet with atmosphere. Once the rover detatched from the delivery system, the delivery system acts as relay between rover and Kerbin base (or comms sat between them).
cmd 1 - brakes
cmd 2 - toggle landing legs
cmd 3 - shutdown landing engines
cmd 4 - toggle landing module solar panels
cmd 5 - detach rover from landing module
cmd 0 - decouple thermal shield
scientific instruments:
mystery goo
surface scanning module
atmospheric fluid spectro-variometer
gravmax negative gravioli detector
A stock rocket called [STK] RelicFinder II. Built with 107 of the finest parts, its root part is probeCoreHex.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.4.5.
- Type: VAB
- Class: rover
- Part Count: 107
- Pure Stock