by swjr-swis
uploaded 2017-02-16
stock satellite
#stock #hst #hubble #space #telescope


Hubble-like Space Telescope, 2x solar panel, 2x antenna, 2x MMU
A stock subassembly called HLST-1c. Built in KSP version 1.2.2, with 147 of the finest parts, its root part is dockingPort3.
A Hubble-like Space Telescope compliant with the STS Shuttle Challenge (mission STS-3). KSP 1.2.2 compatible, takes advantages of parts and options to improve on the originals offered for previous versions.


  • Type: Subassembly
  • Class: satellite
  • Part Count: 147
  • Pure Stock

  • Mass net: 5.513t

  • Mass with MMUs: 7.53t

Differences from the HLST-1a:
  • the MMUs are now separate units,
  • two large antennae were added,
  • and an extra top docking port was added over the CoM for the initial pull out of the cargo bay.

It comes with panels, antennae and separate MMUs prearranged to fit snuggly in an Mk3 CRG-100 cargo bay. MMUs are docked to the telescope by their front ports, panels and antennae are docked to the telescope each to their intended target port and offset/rotated to fit.


Assembly instructions:
  • Open cargo bay, board the top MMU, rightclick its front port and decouple/undock, then maneuvre and redock at the prominent port on top of the telescope. This is right over the CoM to facilitate handling the payload.
  • Undock the rear port of the telescope, pull it out and park it nearby. Suggestion: keep the 1st MMU docked on top for corrective maneuvres when the panel/antenna assemblies knock into place.
  • Board another kerbal in the 2nd MMU and decouple/undock it by its front port.
  • Dock your MMU onto one of the ports sticking beyond the front of the telescope; these are the free ends that point away from the telescope once in place.
  • Decouple/undock the port at the other end, and dock it into its respective slot.
  • The panels go in the center side ports flush with the science containers. They are not identical, each one goes on the side it is already on.
  • The antennae go on the ports flush on the top and bottom of the instrument housing (the larger tank).
  • Take it slow and it should be done with plenty of mono to spare. The panels on the MMUs are likely unnecessary, but better safe than sorry. . For a version with fewer parts and MMUs integrated in the solar panel assemblies (but not compliant with the challenge), see the HLST-1a.

Credit goes to Alchemist for his Hubble Space Telescope as inspiration for this one (which in turn was an update to xoknight’s Hubble Space Telescope), as this was originally just an attempt at updating that version for KSP 1.2.2.

Don’t take anything too seriously, I’m mostly just having crazy fun testing the (im)possibilities of flight, physics and design in the amazing sandbox that is Kerbal Space Program. Feedback is welcome!

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