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A stock aircraft called ACR F-30IDS. Built with 90 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.2.
Use I/K to sweep wings, J/L to extend/retract refueling probe
Maximum operating altitude: 14,000m
Time to altitude (10km): approx 75 seconds
Climb rate: ~300m/s (59,000fpm)
Maximum speed: 985m/s | Mach 3.00
After the announcement of the retirement of the F-50I and downsizing of AF-50IB/FR fleets, the North Kerbin Air Force issued a requirement for a new, lightning-fast fighter-interceptor. Krowing submitted a modified F-3E Twin Falcon, with ACR Aerospace submitting a prototype for the complete redesign of the F-30A, named the F-30IDS.
Stated to be capable of high Mach 2; Mach 3 under certain conditions
, the F-30 was declared the winner of the competition for favourable turn performance even when not performing in it’s usual interceptor role.
ACR used it’s much-loved variable geometry wing, as with the F-9 series, earlier F-30A and F-17T, granting it a good turning radius while sacrificing G-limits and high-alpha performance.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 90
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.2
(an original F-30 in flight with an F-30IDS prototype.)