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Rockwell B-1B Lancer
B-1 Lancer
The Rockwell B-1 Lancer was a next-generation supersonic bomber project developed in the 1970s as an interim between the B-52 Stratofortress and the B-2 Spirit bomber. The B-1A program was cancelled after four prototypes were developed, but the B-1B program was reopened in the 1980s as a multi-role bomber.
The B-1, or Bone as it is sometimes known, is capable in both ground-support and high-altitude roles thanks to its variable geometry wings. The wings swing forward for takeoff and landing, and provide stability at lower speeds. At high altitudes, the wings retract and allow for speeds of up to Mach 1.25.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 197
- Pure Stock
The swing wing of the B-1 is faithfully replicated here, in fully stock parts. Building off of my experience with the Crusader wing, I was able to fully actuate the wings in-flight.
Action Group settings:
1.) release the wings
2.) push wings forwards
3.) push wings backwards
4.) debug wings. Press after wings snap into place.
The B-1 was a tricky build to make work, especially with the extra challenge of actuating the wings. As such, it may be necessary to zoom into the fuselage (under the radiators) to check what is going on. The mechanism isn’t 100% foolproof, so some fiddling may be necessary.
Additionally, despite having four whiplashes on a 30 ton craft, the top speed is around 175m/s, simply due to the amount of drag the wing mechanism puts out.
Beyond that, the B-1 flies as you would a normal plane. The wings handle G-forces and time warp pretty well, for what they are. Additionally, the B-1 is pretty maneuverable, and can take off and land without trouble.