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Give it to the CKAN mod manager to install the mods for you. How to use the .ckan metapackage file | Don't use CKAN? Get it hereBack to Main Craft's Page
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can be downloaded
- Type: VAB
- Class: station
- Part Count: 44
- Mods: 4
See forum thread
This module cannot be docked to until it has been decoupled from the Quicksiler upper stage that took it to orbit. This means that you have to have at least one station module with a control point and RCS in order to dock to the comms truss.
Nomenclature: Orion’s Belt Asterism
Class: Station Module
Type: Mk1 Truss
Features: Solar Power Generation; Antenna (mid-range; relay); Docking System
Launch Vehicle: Quicksilver 1
Description: Alnitak-series communication truss. Extends communications range of stations or spacecraft. Capable of signal relay.