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This is a fully operational ornithopter built in stock KSP, no tricks, no kraken drives!
All thrust and lift is provided by the oscillating movement of wings. Attitude control is provided by differential movement of wings and surface controls, no reaction wheels were used.
Taking off:
step 1: press 0 to play all flight modes in sincrony.
step 2: press 1 to activate take off mode
step 3: throttle up to 50% until you reach ~13m/s
step 4: when you reach 38m/s pitch up, press 2 and immediately pitch down until you gain control. (this part is tough, you might have to try a few times)
In flight:
There are two level flight modes and gliding mode.
Ag 2: 180 degrees phase stroking
Ag 3: 90 degrees phase stroking
Ag 4: gliding
Cruise speed is about 30m/s, stall speed is about 24m/s
If you run out of electricity during flight the hinges will lock up. I’m still working on a solution, but this is what I got so far: press 9 to unlock everything and set to build angle, glide to crash landing.
Approach runway, gear down, set fligh mode to gliding (Ag 4) and glide until touch down.
Press Ag 8 to rotate command seats so kerbals can disembark without destroying the cockpit.
For aesthetic purposes, download the flags for the cockpit:!AmWJkMmU0vZk6WbQd69RFIkSq6np?e=riORaK
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 222
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.5