ARM-01-F Visigoth
by pTrevTrevs
uploaded 2015-01-25
stock rover
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Front of the interior, At left is the periscope used by the driver to see where he’s going. We don’t want any crashes in this expensive piece of hardware!

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Rear of the interior.

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I present to you the ARM-01-F Visigoth. It is an armored assault vehicle equipped with a powerful flamethrower. Enjoy!

A stock tank called ARM-01-F Visigoth. Built with 173 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralPanel1.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 0.90.0.

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  • Type: SPH
  • Style: rover
  • Part Count: 173
  • Stock:
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Firing the flamethrower at a dummy target

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Crew cabin with Jeb and Bill inside. As you can see, it’s quite cramped.

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To operate the flamethrower, bring the vehicle to a full stop and extend the gear at the back. Turn on SAS and RCS, and throttle up the egnine. You may have to hold the tank down manually. Do this if you don,t see the Verniers firing. I don’t recommend running it at higher than 60%, or the tank will flip over. There isn’t much fuel on board, so it can only burn for a few seconds.

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