Gyrfalcon II SSTO
by ohutchie
uploaded 2019-11-09
stock spaceplane
#gyrfalcon #SSTO #nuclear #long-range


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 56
  • Pure Stock

This ultra-long-range SSTO is the ultimate evolution of my Gyrfalcon design, blending sleek looks, relative ease of use, and copious amounts of ∆v into a small Mk1 package. Just like the original, the Gyrfalcon II relies on two RAPIER jet/rocket engines and one highly advanced LV-N nuclear thermal rocket to deliver over 7,800 m/s of ∆v, enough to take an adventurous pilot anywhere in the solar system and return, all with the luxury of a spacious command chair.

To fly, pitch up sharply at the end of the runway, and skim close to the ocean’s surface until you hit 400m/s. Then, simply let the planet curve away from under you as the nose rises. It should hit around 1550m/s and 10-12° pitch at 22km, at which point you should engage the NERV engine. At 24km, or whenever the RAPIERs lose significant thrust, pitch up to 30° and switch the jets to closed-cycle mode. Hold the nose at 30° until the apoapsis rises to at least 63km. Then, keep pointing about 10° above prograde until you’re in a safe trajectory. If all has gone well, you’ll make LKO with well above 7500m/s remaining, but if you start to sink back into the atmosphere, don’t sweat it. It’s a little hard to fly, but after a couple tries you should get the hang of it.

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