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Intermeshing rotors rescue chopper. Stage to start the rotors, engines and fuel cell. Throttle up/down to control rotors, blades and engines. KAL tuning improvable. Actn grp 1 to enable/disable the Grabbing Unit.
Created after watching this amazing video by SkyRex94:
Got some ideas for the KAL-1000 from the choppers published by XLjedi
Some clipping needed, mostly for the SAS, as this rotor configuration is quite unstable and difficult to fly. Who whould make a rescue chopper which would need to be rescued too??? yeah…
And yeah, the last version has more lights (rescue chopper with no lights? really???) but I’m too lazy to take the screenshots and upload again, LOL.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.8.1.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 91
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.8.1