by fulgur
uploaded 2019-06-22
(updated 2019-06-23)
stock+DLC lander


The Pipistrelle lander is a small science lander. It features 6 science instruments (Goo, Accelerometer, Barometer, Seismometer, Scanner and Gravioli Detector) and a Experiment Box to collect results, as well as a box of surface experiments. It has a large amount of fuel for the RCS thrusters and 2.2km/s dV, adequate for Kerbin Orbit -> Mun or Duna Orbit -> Duna. The main feature of this lander are its engines, which can be rotated 180 degrees to point forewards, backwards or ventral. This means that it can be landed with great precision. As well as this, it features folding rover wheels and a medium scanning arm. It has 2 docking ports. The fore port is shielded, but the rear is not.
Now upgraded with 2x as many rover wheels and reaction wheels, as well as parachutes for ease of operations on Duna.

The Pipistrelle is very easy to fly. The servos allow a fine degree of precision via (CAPSLOCK) and the I/K keys, which means that you can control your descent extremely easily. The retractable wheels are not very powerful for a craft this size, so it is important to land close to your desired biome(s). Overall it is small and nimble, an easy VTOL with a medium TWR.

A stock lander called Pipistrelle. Built with 65 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Inline.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.2.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: lander
  • Part Count: 65
  • Pure Stock
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