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- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 111
- Mods: 2
- BDArmory
- Squad (stock)
Welcome to my shot at recreating the venerable A-10 Warthog in KSP using only stock parts and BD Armory. This close air support fighter features four Maverick laser-guided air-to-ground missiles, two 500lb bombs, 38 2.75in dumb-fire rockets, two Sidewinder anti-aircraft missiles, and an 8-barrel 30mm gatling cannon with 1200 rounds of ammunition. For defense, the plane is fitted with an armored cockpit, deployable countermeasures for radar and heat-seeking missiles, and an electronic countermeasures system. The airframe is designed to offer high maneuverability and control at low speeds and altitudes. When the aircraft is fully fueled and armed, its twin turbofan engines provide a thrust to weight ratio of 1.2, and can operate for 45 minutes at full throttle.
A mod aircraft called A-10. Built with 111 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.2.2.