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The *VTOL Heavy-Weapons-Platform variant of the FAB-41 Taurus, built more with combat capability in mind. Has poor maneuverability, but will destroy absolutely everything with its buttload of weaponry! And it still has room for more!
Weapons list:
2 Goalkeeper CIWS’s with 3600 rounds of ammo
6 AIM-120 missiles
8 AGM-65 Maverick missiles
6 PAC-3 Interceptor missiles
14 Airborne Lasers with 40500 units of electricity.
Countermeasures include 16 chaff pods and 4 flare pods. It also features limited anti-laser protection in the front.
This plane’s armament makes it suitable for anti-air and anti-surface engagements, but it’s poor maneuverability means it is extremely **vulnerable to counter attack.
Action group 1 toggles the *VTOL engines, while Action group 2 toggles the rear engines.
*Currently does not take off straight, so it’s impossible to control and land while hovering, making this more of a VT.
**Due to AI limitations, it does not use its Airborne Lasers to destroy missiles in combat.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.1.3.
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 174
- Mods: 2
- BDArmory
- Squad (stock)