Simple station building SSTO. 6 cargo bays and large storage container allow to carry big modules and bunch of extra parts. Fly at 5 degrees before hitting 300m/s. Then adopt 0 degree. Craft will ascend automatically thanks to wing config. Engage nukes at 8km. Swap to close cycle at 25-30 km. Rapiers are offset and push nose up to gain vertical speed hands off. Easily lifts 45 tons to LKO. Once in LKO craft still have up to 2.5k delta V to reach Mun or Duna orbits with payload.
Spaceplane Launcher for Interplanetary Cargo
[1] - Rapier mode switch
[2] - Cargo bay doors toogle
[3] - Nuke toogle
[0] - RCS toogle
A stock aircraft called SLIC [Gateway mission 04]. Built with 265 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3CargoBayM.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.3.