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The second of the two MGR type testbeds.
For the second testbed, Tarken took the Au-400’s airframe and stretched it once more, this time adding conventional elevators on the new aircraft to use as a control group to see what differences the box wing would have.
The swept wing proved to improve maneuverability at the cost of highest possible top speed, simply due to its slight increase in drag. The data gathered from this test and others would assist in the designing and construction of the Ta-164, which needed a highly optimized box wing to generate enough lift while being small enough to fit on a carrier.
Au/Ta - MGR II
CC : 201
RC : Cockpit MKII
Produced by Tarken Industries (CA)
Prototype Completion Date: 2071
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 201
- Pure Stock