Another variation on the Acapello-on-Thoroughbred. In contrast to the added strap-on boosters of the Boosted Acapello-on-Thoroughbred, this one instead uses a kickmotor pack on top of the Thoroughbred, enclosed in a lengthened fairing originally derived from the interstage fairing of the earlier Thoroughbred Acapellos; after the burnt-out Thoroughbred, along with its fairing, are jettisoned while coasting upward about a minute or so prior to apoapsis, the bundle of seven solid-fuelled Shrimp motors ignites, giving the Acapello CSM an additional speed boost to help it reach orbit. Built with 82 of the finest parts, its root part is LiquidEngineLV-T91.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.9.0.