A stock aircraft called Active Bendy Rover. Built with 38 of the finest parts, its root part is strutCube.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.3.
A rover/kart with an attempt to remove some of the flips.
Uses hinges with angles, motor size, torque, transverse rates, damping etc. Constantly fixing one thing to create another problem…however, this one works quite well on Kerbin.
You can break it by running at full speed into the steep parts of the VAB ramp but at slower speeds you can scamble all over them. On the flat full speed turns are fine.
I have an older version which has less ground clearence but performs much better until you hit anything. It’s not so bad on the Mun but really needs the motorsize, transverse rates and damping changing to suit the lower gravity.