AC A-1 Pioneer Mk.1
by Val
uploaded 2015-11-18
stock aircraft
#Exploration #Science #Jet #Mk1 #Career


The A-1 Pioneer Mk.1 is an early career Science & Exploration plane that’s easy to fly and land.

It’s well balanced, short takeoff and landing, very maneuverable and good cruising speed.

The standard Science package has 2 Thermometers, 2 Goo Experiments and a Science Jr.

There’s room for 3 kerbals, but the recommended crew is 1 pilot and 1 scientist, because it’s easier to shuffle them around when there’s one spot open (Crew cabin not allowing passengers to exit)


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 46
  • Pure Stock
  • Built in the SPH
  • KSP version 1.0.5
  • Cost: 18,306

It’s powered by 2 Juno Jet engines and has fuel enough to cruise for hours.

  • Max speed: 250+ m/s at 5 km or higher.
  • Min speed: 30 m/s with flaps deployed.
  • Liquid Fuel: 600
  • Dry Weight: 5.3 t.
  • Wet Weight: 8.3 t.
  • Max Take-off weight 8.3 t.

Low Tech tree requirements

2 Thermometers, 2 Goo Experiments and a Science Jr.

Neutral balance for maneuverability and ease of control

Flight Instructions


  1. Close Science Bay (9) and engage SAS (T).
  2. Full throttle (Z) and Stage (Space) to activate engines.
  3. At 30 m/s pitch up 5°-10° and wait for takeoff.
  4. At 45 m/s retract Flaps (G)

Ascent to Cruise altitude

  1. Full throttle (Z) and Flaps retracted (G).
  2. Set pitch 10° above horizon.
  3. At 3 km set pitch to 5°
  4. At 5 km set pitch to 0°

It ususally take 5-10 minutes from takeoff until cruise speed and altitude is reached.

Flaps provide low takeoff and landing speeds.

Cruise at 250+ m/s at 5 km

Low speed maneuvering

  1. 2/3 Throttle and Flaps deployed (G).
  2. Keep roll angle below 60° when turning.
  3. Make sure speed doesn’t drop below 30 m/s.


  1. Throttle down, pitch down 20°-25° and deploy Flaps (G).
  2. Aim a few hundred meters in front of the target.
  3. When 200 m above ground pitch up 10°
  4. Still aiming slightly in front of the target.
  5. When 100 m above ground aim for the touchdown spot.
  6. Flare before touching down and keep flying by pitching up until speed is 30 m/s.
  7. Let the plane touch down and hit the brakes.

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