AV-1 Rinkhal
by TunaEmperor
uploaded 2021-11-28
mod aircraft
#VTOL #STOVL #attack #fighter #jet

AV-1 Rinkhal

(Chronologically) the first STOVL to enter service with TunaEmperor Air Forces, AV-1 Rinkhal is an attack aircraft with secondary air defense capability. Albeit somewhat underpowered, the Rinkhal has paved the way to the bigger and more capable AV-2 Naja.


Crew: 1
Length: 10,8m
Wingspan: 7.6m
Height: 4.0m
Empty Weight: 4.613kg
Loaded Weight: 13.036kg
Vertical MTOW: 16,500kg
Fuel capacity: 1450 unit
Powerplant: 1x J-56 turbofan / 4x J-85 afterburning turbofan
TWR: 1.41 forward flight / 1.29 lift jets


- none internally
Hardpoints: 5 with a capacity of – and provisions to carry combinations of:
- Mk82 Triple Ejector Rack
- Mk83 JDAM
- CBU-87
- Hydra-19 Launcher
A/A Missiles:
- AIM-9 Sidewinder
A/G Missiles
- AGM-65 Maverick
Gun Pods
- 20mm conformal gun pod
- AN/ALQ-131 ECM Pod
- AN/AAQ-28 targeting Pod
Drop Tanks:
- 100u drop tanks
- 150u drop tanks


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 77
  • Mods: 3
  • KSP: 1.11.2


  • Airplane Plus
  • BD Armory Continued
  • Squad (stock)

The Four Principles

  1. If all 6 engines are active and control point points forward, you are in STOL mode
  2. If only J33 engines are active and control point points forward, you are in CTOL mode
  3. If only J85 engines are active and control point points up, you are in VTOL mode
  4. If all 6 engines are active and control point points up, you are transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight

Takeoff Modes

  1. Activate SAS and stage. This puts you in STOL mode. You may take off this way, or
  2. Press 1 once to deactivate J85 engines. This puts you in CTOL mode. you may take off this way, or
  3. Press 2 once to deactivate J33 and reactivate J85 engines. This puts you in VTOL mode. You may take off this way provided your overall weight is below 16.500kg

Part of AirCombat Lite

A mod aircraft called AV-1 Rinkhal. Built with 77 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.11.2.

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