Argo mkV
by Tommo
uploaded 2022-06-30
stock ship
#submersible #submarine #stockpropeller #stock #noDLC


A pure stock electrical submarine called Argo mkV. Capable of exploring the oceans of Kerbin and Laythe, this beautiful machine has a cruising speed of about 10 m/s. It can dock with any underwater base with a medium-sized docking port using its fine ballast control system (which can accomplish only very small adjustments, because I didn’t want to exploit the broken cargo bays mechanics too much). Its propeller requires no DLC and maybe it’s not particularly part-efficient, but it gets the job done and can be redocked safely to avoid Kraken’s wrath.

Built with 440 of the finest parts, its root part is LargeTank.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.3.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 440
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.3


  • Decouple the hidden docking port using the stage button to activate the propeller for the first time
  • The propeller and the submarine are actually two different crafts: to switch between the two you have to use [ and ]. To change speed, you have to switch to the propeller; to steer the submarine, you have to switch to the main craft
  • To properly start the engine, it needs to be in slow mode (activated by pressing 2 while controlling the propeller)
  • Start the engine by holding Alt+E until the Roll indicator is fully to the right
  • Switch to the main craft and point prograde until speed reaches about 1.7 m/s
  • Switch again to the propeller and engage fast mode by pressing 1
  • Switch again to the main craft and do your exploring
  • Stop the engine by pressing Alt+X while controlling the propeller or slow it down by holding Alt+Q (you can also go backwards)
  • To dock the two crafts back together, you have to press 0 on both crafts
  • To undock the crafts and reactivate the engine, press 0 again
  • You can fine-tune your vertical position by pressing 3 or 4 to open (slowly sinking) or close (slowly rising) the cargo bays while controlling the main craft. This is useful for docking purposes


  • The propeller is essentially an unmanned probe, so it has to be connected to a communication network to be fully controllable
  • The propeller should be rotating only while its blades are fully underwater, otherwise the blades will be destroyed
  • The craft will occasionally experience rapid unplanned disassembly
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