What's this slidery thing next to the download link?
When the slider is in the ON position clicking the download link will download the craft and open the download tab so show you more info
When the slider is in the OFF position clicking the download link will just open the download tab without downloading the craft
Once you've downloaded a craft the slider will automatically move to the OFF position, so you can then open the download tab without re-downloading the craft each time.
If you want to re-download the craft there will be a link in the download tab
It also acts as a visual que to remind you which craft you've already downloaded, if it's in the OFF position (red) you've already downloaded the craft.
As you are not logged in it will only remember what craft you've downloaded in this session.
if you want KerbalX to remember your downloads between sessions.
Action Groups are the only bit of craft info that is not read from the craft file.
If the craft has a B9 info drive they can be read from that, otherwise they have to be set manually.
Your craft has downloaded
try not to crash it
Note: this was made in KSP v1.3.0
- It may not function as intended in KSP 1.12.5
This craft has been added to your downloads queue. Use the
KX Mod
to fetch it when you are next in KSP. Enable deferred downloads to make this the default way to download.
I remade the A340, to make it so the wings looks way smoother and it would take off very easily. This thing takes off at 100m/s, and flies like a dream. don’t trust me? this thing can pull 10 G’s, do barrel rolls and land without exploding.