Recoverable Launch Vehicle
Can put up to 15t in LKO (just outside of atmosphere) for ~8000Funds *
Launch with full throttle and SAS off, precise control on
Stage when SRB burn out.
55s before apoapsis turn SAS on
Deploy the Fairing at 60km
when apoapsis is 70km, control the time to apopsis with throttle, keeping apoapsis 45~55s away at first, allowing it to get near as you get closeto a stable orbit. (be careful to not run out f fuel to deorbit)
Deploy the payload and deorbit.
*with Stage Recovery Mod and Landing near KSC
A stock rocket called Asimov. Built with 38 of the finest parts, its root part is fairingSize1.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.10.0.