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The ADF-01 Falken is a next-generation fighter aircraft and acts as the spiritual successor to the ADFX-01 and ADFX-02 Morgan aircraft. Rather than an outboard laser, the ADF-01 has a retractable one inside the fuselage, and implements COFFIN technology into the cockpit of the aircraft, using multiple cameras to look around. This is a stripped down variant of my ADF-01, without BD Armoury and some other mods, look at the images if you want to know where the laser goes on the fuselage, etc. You may know that I made one a while back although through the months it’s not up-to-date and compared to now is a little bit messy.
Highly recommended you check the action groups!
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 214
- Mods: 6
- B9 Procedural Wings Modified
- Grounded
- Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Core Pack
- QuantumStrutsContinued
- Squad (stock)
- TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
Needed: • All Tweak.
Procedural wing texture:
All Tweak mod is required!