Akula-X A-200 Super Heavy Tank
by ScorpionParamilitary
uploaded 2016-12-20
stock rover
#military #tank #stock


The A-200 was intended to work in conjunction with existing heavy tanks. The heavy tank’s main gun could help tackle enemy armor while smaller caliber cannons could deal with light-armored vehicles and troop concentrations, leaving flanethorwers to counter aggressive infantry attempting to storm the tank from vulnerable angles at short range.

The Akula was simply not fast enough to support breakouts. A more mobile tank was need, but one which could stand up to heavier armor like the Akula. Due to its size and armored strength, it was nicknamed “Dreadnought” by its crews.When the Akula X operated in vast numbers, it was virtually invulnerable to direct fire from all but high velocity weapons at horrifically close-range. The best the enemy could hope to was force the Akula X’s crew to abandon the vehicle by disabling it, such as by hitting its wheels, but this did not always go to plan.

The worst problem for the Akula S was by far its unreliability. The drills would often break easily, and the immense heat of the gun meant that the small gun mantel could suffer severe damage. But this is now fixed by the new Akula X!

Despite this, Akula tanks came as a nasty shock to due to their resilience. They had no comparable tanks in strength, and few AT guns that could destroy them.

A stock aircraft called Akula-X A-200 Super Heavy Tank. Built with 706 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralPanel2.

It may look like a normal Akula but it has a more reliable suspension.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.0.5.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 706
  • Pure Stock
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