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- Type: VAB
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 129
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.0
Preliminary Description
A fun shuttle that I made in spare time xD It’s quite simple because of skills issue :L The white ET suggests Columbia but the shuttle itself is the opposite so I don’t really know if this is anything, at all xD it’s just a generic build overall :D
It’s totally flyable in Stock, though firing the OMS in space might be a little bit of a hassle (you can go around that by lowering the thrust for SAS to compensate), I would recommend using MechJeb to control it for the best launch :D
A stock rocket called [1.12.x] Space Shuttle Stock Replica. Built with 129 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3Cockpit.Shuttle.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.12.0.

Action Group
1: Open cargo bay door
2: Open rudder split flap
3: Toggle draining valve
5: Toggle main wings control surface
10: Shutdown main engines and lock engines gimbal
Shuttle Launch and Re-entry Guide
Guide to launch the shuttle (with MechJeb): Open MechJeb, click Smart A.S.S.
—Descend: Choose SURF, then choose SURF, tick the box for all 3 options. Choose your desire Heading; Pitch at start must be 90 but gradually press + to follow the gravity turn; Roll 0.
—After SRBs separation: When you’re almost horizontal, change Roll to 180 to flip the shuttle up.
—In Orbit: Enable your RCS and fire up the Puff
engines. Choose OBT, PROGRAD if you want to go forward and RETROGRAD if you want to go backwards, other options are also there to go other ways, Force Roll 0. You can also mess with the SURF mode to direct to a custom direction.
—Re-entry: SURF mode, choose SVEL+, ROL 0, PIT 40–45, and YAW 0. If you want a safer re-entry, choose a lower Pitch (PIT) value so it wouldn’t pitch up to much.
Afterwards, the shuttle should be easy to control and land. You might want to open the rudder flaps (action group 2) and the parachute once touch down, but most of the time, the thing is very draggy so you might stall before landing xD
During Re-entry, Monopropellant have to be drained first (action group 3) to around 10% because the shuttle is tail-heavy and it will spin out of control if you still have Monopropellant left on the shuttle :q