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Action Groups
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can be downloaded
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 290
- Mods: 2
- BDArmory
- Squad (stock)
Action Groups:¨Stage - Toggle Engine Mode¨RCS - Toggle Engine Gimbal¨Custom 1 - Fire Missile¨Custom 2 - Next Weapon¨Custom 3 - Toggle Cargo Bay Doors¨Custom 4 - Decouple Spy Drone
A mod aircraft called SF - Thor. Built with 290 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Inline.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
It’s a submarine with lots of weapons. Blow stuff up, or whatever.
Remember to right-click the drone’s probe core and choose control from here
before throttling it up.
You’ll either need Vessel Mover or Hyperedit to get it into the water, or you can build your own launch cradle if that’s more your style. Fair warning, you’ll probably explode the runway if you try to drive down it.
You can watch a video of it in action here:
Thanks to Inter’s Odyssey ( ) for creating the scenario.