Ares V / Altair LSAM
by RundownPear
uploaded 2020-09-09
stock+DLC ship
#Apollo #Space #Shuttle #Saturn #V


The Ares V was a HLV under development by NASA from 2004-2010 under the Constellation program, a successor to both the Apollo and STS program. The Ares V would have launched the Earth Departure Stage and an Altair Lunar Surface Access Module, once in orbit an Orion CLV launched by an Ares I would rendezvous with the stack and travel to the moon. After the Augustine commission discovered that Constellation was underfunded and almost a decade behind schedule, the program was cancelled in favor of what became SLS and the Artemis program which will actually be sending people back to the moon in 2024. My Ares I can be downloaded here ->–Orion-CEV


1 - Engage fuel cells

2 - Toggle Altair main engines

3 - Activate ascent stage

Ares V

The Ares V was designed as a true successor to the Saturn V, being able to carry up too 180 tons into LEO and capable of sending manned missions to the Moon, Mars, and near Earth asteroids. It was also considered to launch 18 meter telescopes into deep space. It was planned to fly by 2018 on its first test missions and in 2020 would send components for the first lunar landing of the 21st century. Of course it was discovered how underfunded the program was and its first launch was expected no earlier that 2028. Ares V as well as the Ares I were cancelled and replaced by the Space Launch System, which itself was based off of the Ares IV.

Earth Departure Stage

The Earth Departure Stage (EDS) was the second stage of the Ares V and designed to transfer super heavy payloads into deep space. It would be powered by 1 or 2 J-2X engines and essentially be a much larger S-IVB. It would primarily launch the Altair LSAM but was designed to also launch parts of a massive nuclear powered Mars Transfer Vehicle. The EDS survived Constellations cancellation in 2010 and was planned to be flown on the SLS rocket but complications with he J-2X led to the project being put on an indefinite hold until its needed. Instead the SLS will fly with the slightly smaller but still capable Exploration Upper Stage powered by 4 RL-10 engines.

Altair LSAM

The Altair Lunar Surface Access Module was a manned heavy lunar lander planned to be used in the Constellation Program. It would have been able to land 20+ tons on the lunar surface with a max crew of 4. A modified version would also be launched and used as cargo vehicle for landing base modules in the mid 2020s. Unlike the Apollo LEM, the LSAM would have been used to break into luanr orbit. It would also be capable of landing anywhere on the Moon, mainly the south pole. It would also have landed the SEV pressurized Rover. The contract to construct the vehicle was about to be handed to Boeing in 2009 but was delayed when the Augustine Commission started their investigation. The Altair did not survive the 2010 Constellation programs cancellation and would be succeeded by the Dynetics ALPACA, the National Team’s Integrated Lander Vehicle, and SpaceX’s Starship for NASA’s Artemis Program. Boeing’s Artemis Lunar Lander was rejected by NASA for funding.


Wow the Altair took a long time to build. I did a mix of the 2009 and 2006 design, taking the 2009 descent stage and mixing it with the 2010 ascent stage. It can carry 3 Kerbals to the surface thanks to a clipped inflatable airlock in the crew module. As for the Ares V I think it looks pretty damn good, that’s all I have to say about that


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 255
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.10.1

A stock rocket called Ares V / Altair LSAM. Built with 255 of the finest parts, its root part is Size4.Tank.03.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.10.1.


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