Xylan 14
by RuBisCO
uploaded 2024-07-14
(updated 2024-07-17)
stock spaceplane
#SSTO #Cargo


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 133
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5


Update 12024JUL16: Made wings stronger with hidden struts, added tail draging wheel to prevent back form hitting runway on landing or take off. Made most cargo bay doors capable of opening completely. Added emergeny fuel tank to nose.

Proven to lift 121 tons to a 80 km orbit with over 300 m/s of DV to spare. Uses 14 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engines. Comes with every kind of docking port.

To Orbit Procedure
- Assuming max cargo load to 80 km orbit
1. Start (stage) engines to max power and accelerate along runway.
2. Pitch up, gently, at 120 m/s, take off after clearing runway.
3. Stay at 5° pitch up, if unwanted roll rocking occur then toggle roll control to inner flaps.
4. Once jets can not longer accelerate the spaceplane beyond 20 km altitude, swtich to rocket engine manuelly and gently pitch up to 10°.
6. Once center engines autoswitch to rocket, close intakes.
5. Once projected apogee exceeds 79 km, turn off rocket engines and enter prograde flight, apogee will rise slightly due to wing lift.
6. Circulirze orbit at apogee.

Landing Procedure
- Assuming no cargo from 80 km orbit to land at KSP
1. At antipole from KSP reduce perigee to 15 km
2. Enter atmosphere at 10° pitch up
3. Move residual fuel from forward or rear tanks as needed to so that trim is neutral.
4. If undershooting used jets below 20 km altitude, if overshooting pitch up to aerobrake faster. If more roll control is needed toggle roll control to outer flaps.
5. Land on runway below 150 m/s, use air brakes if needed. Land as level as possible to avoid bouncing.
6. Once wheels touch the runway open parachutes (stage) and hit brakes to stop.

A stock aircraft called Xylan 14. Built with 133 of the finest parts, its root part is adapterMk3-Size2.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.

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