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Bite-Sized-Bite-Sized Fighter Jet
After a devastating blow to their budget in favor of the newly created Kerbal Space Program, the Kerbal Navy was forced to acquiesce a decidedly less… advanced fighter jet. The A-4 (Kerbal Scale) is a much tinier, cuter, one could even say a wunglier version of the venerable (and already cute and wungly) A-4 Skyhawk. The origins of the microhawk - as it is affectionately nicknamed - are shrouded in mystery. No manufacturer is listed in the database, and speculation has run rampant as to the genesis of this fighter jet.
One rumor that has gained the most traction is that the Kerbal Navy began ransacking old arcades and abandoned malls, and stole the airframes from children’s rides. Notably, this procurement method is identical to that of the Kerbal Space Program’s, pre-budget increase.
Another popular theory that has circulated around is that these aircraft were the result of poor internal communications within the Kerbal Navy. It is important to know that a large criminal ring ran rampant within the Kerbal Navy at this time, and it is likely that the underlings within this crime ring misinterpreted instructions to ‘launder’ the ‘goods’; 15 Navy fighter jets and an industrial washing machine subsequently disappeared.
Not-irregardless, these bite sized fighter jets bite, and have earned themselves popularity and endearment from their pilots.
A stock aircraft called A-4 Kerbal Scale. Built with 105 of the finest parts, its root part is strutCube.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 105
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.5