What's this slidery thing next to the download link?Mod
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Your craft has downloaded
Not sure how to install a craft file?
Here's howPut the craft file you've downloaded into the VAB sub folder in the Ships folder in your save;
Put the craft file you've downloaded into the VAB sub folder inside Ships in the root of KSP;
Paste a url where
this mod
can be downloaded
AEPR - LineaTour
PT-BR: Um Avião Espacial desenhado para ser lançado de foguete até a órbita baixa de Kerbin, e depois recuperado como avião no KSC. Suporta 4 Kerbals, tem probe core. Para voar o foguete, suba inclinando até os 5 graus, e aos 150m/s ative o Prograde SAS.
EN: A spaceplane designed to be launched atop a rocket to Low Kerbin Orbit and then recovered at KSC. Seats 4 passengers, has a probe core. To fly it, go up inclining 5 degrees to the east, then, at 150m/s activate Prograde SAS.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.1.2. Feito no VAB no KSP versão 1.1.2.
Serve para transporte de Kerbonautas.
- Type: VAB
- Class: spaceplane
- Part Count: 77
- Pure Stock
Pouso perfeito no Aeroporto Antigo.