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Finally I got around to making the non-DLC version of my A350. For the robotics version, see here.
The airframe is exactly the same, except without the DLC parts. Fun for everyone!
However, the flaps have changed, and can now be deflected variably. Read about it below, along with action group info.
Don’t pull up too hard, or the wings may pop off.
Technology Time!
Flaps are no longer controlled with AG9 and AG10! But, AG10 still retracts the spoilerons.
Now, flaps are extended using [K] and retracted using [I]. This gives you a deflection range of -150% to 150%, or around 0°-60°. In the retracted state, the flap is deflected at Limiter 150%. Hence, landing setting should put the flap at Limiter 0%. But we can go further! We can deflect the flaps past the usual maximum deflection, however, this incurs a lot of drag, and should not be used. This also means flaps can be set for takeoff, at Limiter 80%. All without any craft file editing!
Upon loading, the flaps should be in their retracted position. If they are deflected downwards, invert deploy direction.
A stock aircraft called Airbus A350-941. Built with 582 of the finest parts, its root part is HECS2.ProbeCore.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 582
- Pure Stock