Imahara Rover
by OrbitsR4Sissies
uploaded 2020-07-15
mod+DLC rover
#rover #stock


Dedicated to Mythbuster and Battlebot maker Grant Imahara, this munar rover, designed for low-light conditions in polar areas, is stock except for two wholly optional parts I added for flavor: BonVoyage (the radar-looking part that automates long drives in the background), and a Kerbal Engineer-enabling part for readouts. Mods and DLCs not required; parts can be adjusted about. An easy starting-out craft for those new to rovers.

A single HECS probe body controls launch (a simple 2.5m stage with a Mainsail) to landing. Monopropellant transfer stage to keep things real but also not a requirement.

After landing: (1) Set probe control point from Up to Forward, and (2) Toggle off torque of the probe’s reaction wheels for rover mode and set the brakes. Then, (3) press 9 to release the tower lock and (4) press 0 to raise the experiment/lights tower (if using DLC). Finally, (5) decouple from landing stage, release brakes and drive away.

Low-light conditions means you can’t transmit science right away until batteries recharge, with rover arms using a sizable amount of power just scanning.

A rover named Imahara Rover. Built with 67 of the finest parts, its root part is probeCoreHex.v2.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.10.0.


  • BonVoyage
  • Breaking Ground DLC
  • KerbalEngineer
  • Making History DLC
  • Squad (stock)


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 67
  • Mods: 5
  • KSP: 1.10.0
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