FB-45 Firestorm
by Night_Ranger428
uploaded 2019-05-10
stock aircraft


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 92
  • Pure Stock


This is a high-performance light strike bomber with excellent maneouverability, and particularly so for its size. The fuel load is very high, nearly 2000 units of fuel, and a weight of nearly 20 tonnes. Some of the fuel tanks in the engine assembly are empty, so to further improve range those can be filled. The landing gear layout was designed around the aesthetics of the aircraft, as when I had just the fuselage, wings and tail, I thought it looked excellent, then I had to mount landing gear and engines, which I think I did reasonably well at mounting without ruining the aesthetics too much. In spite of the weight the large wings mean that the twin engines are more than enough for supersonic flight. The engines will get you to Mach 1 on full dry power, and Mach 2.8 on wet*.

*When at Mach 2.8 the engines heat up to the point of destruction - not covered by warranty.

A stock aircraft called FB-45 Firestorm. Built with 92 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.0.

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