F-54B Firestrike
by Night_Ranger428
uploaded 2019-02-24
(updated 2019-02-24)
stock aircraft


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 53
  • Pure Stock


A new version of my previously posted F-54, this time with just one engine to meet requirements for the design competition (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/182094-ksp-original-design-competition/).

It is fairly maneuverable multi-role fighter. Very high max speed, although it does accelerate fairly slowly in the higher speed ranges, sub to transsonic acceleration is adequate for dogfighting, definitely suited more to low-medium altitude operations, but can maintain high speed at altitude in excess of 10-11km (Mach 2.85). Peak performance around 1-2km altitude is about the same (Mach 2.81). The craft file also comes with a drop tank that is not shown in the images, I haven’t tested performance with it on (it weighs around a tonne, but you can just demount it if you don’t want it). If maneuverability appears to be lacking check canard and tailplane authority limiters, they should be at 150.

Action Groups:
AG1: Toggle Engine Mode
AG2: Toggle Flaps

A stock aircraft called F-54B Firestrike. Built with 53 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.6.1.

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