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1 - switch RAPIERs mode; 2 - on/off RAPIERs; 3 - on/off Skipper; 4 - open/close cargo bay; 5 - ladders; 6 - open/close dockport
A stock aircraft called Athlete. Built with 140 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3Cockpit.Shuttle.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.0.2.
- Type: SPH
- Class: spaceplane
- Part Count: 140
- Stock:
- Start all RAPIERs, then start takeoff procedure ( at 120 m/s of speed). After takeoff on speed 140+ m/s gently set pith to +25 and wait until your craft reach altitude 11 km.
- Set SAS to prograde vector and wait until pith reach -10, set SAS to back
Stability assist
and wait until reach 450 m/s of speed. You are losing altitude for this maneuver, but increasing speed for break sound barrier. - Gradually increase pith to -5, then to +5 after you are reached 500 m/s. When you are reached 550 m/s set pith to +10, check your safety belts and relax, turbo-bust are starting.
- Speed and pith are increasing and after 20 km of altitude start to checking speed, when speed stop increasing on Skipper engine, then, when speed stop increasing switch RAPIERs to close cycle (button 1). Maintain pith in range +15…+20.
- After 2 km/s of orbital speed off RAPIERSs (button 2), set SAS to prograde mode and waiting for desired apoapsis. I think you know what you should do when craft will reach apoapsis point :-).
Descend from 90x90 km orbit: 1. Move all lefted fuel to the front tank and oxidizer to the big backward tank. 2. Make periapsis about 40km around mountain near KSC 3. After enter atmosphere on airbrakes (fix brakes button near altitude indicator) and maintain pith 10-15 until your speed will reach 600-700 m/s 4. Land on runway as you desired.
All your maneuvers should be slowly and gradually, you are piloting not a fighter. Empty craft is a good glider and, if you are good pilot, you can land on runway without using engines.