XR-32f Fenix Eve Ascent Vehicle 8.5t
by Mephisto
uploaded 2023-07-06
mod+DLC lander
#lander #low #mass #eve #Eve

XR-32f Fenix 8.5t Eve Lander and Ascent Vehicle


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: lander
  • Part Count: 78
  • Mods: 3
  • KSP: 1.12.5


  • Breaking Ground DLC
  • Squad (stock)
  • squadexpansion

The Fenix is a single-use, low-mass Eve landing and ascent vehicle. It brings a single pilot safely to the ground from a very low Eve orbit and back up again.


8.5t Eve Lander and Ascent Vehicle for a single Kerbal.

A mod aircraft called XR-32f Fenix Eve Ascent Vehicle. Built with 78 of the finest parts, its root part is sasModule.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.

Get the vehicle deployed to a very low Eve orbit of 90.5 x 90.5km.
Fire the small Ant Engines until your periapsis is at 75 km. Deactivate the engines again.
Orient the craft so that the nose is pitching up 45 degrees. Keep the nose at 45 degrees up during descent.
You can open the service bay for additional drag.
With some luck, you’ll survive reentry. Glide to a suitable spot of your choice.
You can also activate the fuel cell and use the propellers for powered flight. The Oscar-B fuel tank for the fuel cell at the back should have plenty of fuel for rotor flight.

Rotor flight to 18km
Activate the fuel cell, deploy rotor blades and activate rotors. Main throttle controls the deploy angle of the rotor blades. Use aerodynamic overlay to find the optimal angle.
Discard the landing gear.

Climb to 18 km above sea level. Gain as much velocity as possible before staging.

First rocket stage
Decouple the Rotor section and activate the five spark engines. Gain horizontal velocity until you can pitch up around 20 degrees.

The first rocket stage should get you to an altitude of about 36 km and just over 1000 m/s velocity.

Second rocket stage
The goal for the second rocket stage is to get your apoapsis outside of the atmosphere (anywhere between 87 and 95 km apoapsis should be safe).
Continue at first with your 20 degree ascent and pitch up later to almost 45 degrees.

When your apoapsis is close to the edge of the atmosphere when the fuel of this stage has run out, you have succeeded.
Coast until 87 km and then discard the second stage.

Third rocket stage
The final stage is the space chair with a single spark engine. Use the last stage to complete your circularization around Eve. If everything went well, you’ll still have 700 m/s dV in the space chair available and most of the battery power.

Congrats, you have reached orbit around Eve. Hopefully someone will pick you up.

Mephisto Metalworks and Aeronautics
The Future is now.

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