Silverstar SSTO with Mun lander in 1.25m service bay
by Mephisto
uploaded 2023-03-15
stock+DLC spaceplane
#SSTO #Spaceplane #mun #minmus #lander

Silverstar SSTO


A stock aircraft called Silverstar SSTO with Mun lander in 1.25m service bay. Built with 72 of the finest parts, its root part is MK1Fuselage.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.

Simple 2x Rapier / 1x Nerv SSTO with a recoverable Mun lander in a 1.25m service bay.

Silverstar SSTO
Basic SSTO with dual Rapier / single Nerv setup.
AG1: Toggle Rapier
AG2: Switch Rapier mode
AG3: Toggle Nerv
If you can fly SSTOs, you can probably fly this one as well. Nothing fancy about it.
Take off, accelerate to 400 m/s near sea level, climb and gain speed.
Goal is to reach maximum speed on airbreathing mode at roughly 18 km above sea level.
Add Nervs. When the speed of airbreathing Rapiers and the Nerv no longer is sufficient, toggle Rapier mode to use the limited amount of oxidiser. Finalize your ascent with the Nerv engine. You should have plenty of dV available for a trip to Mun or Minmus orbit and back to Kerbin.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 72
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5

Mun Lander
The lander’s docking port is attached to a docking port mounted on a telescopic piston.
To avoid wobbling during flight, the fuel tanks of the lander and the piston are autostrutted.
To undock the lander, first disable the autostruts of the piston and the lander’s fuel tanks. Unlock the piston and extend the piston.
The command seats of the SSTO and the lander are mounted on hinges.
Toggle the hinge on the lander and lock it in place.
Toggle the hinge of the SSTO command seat, so that your Kerbal can disembark conveniently and embark quickly on the lander.
Unlock the fuel tanks.
Undock the lander and descent to your destination.

Redocking is a bit tricky due to lack of RCS, but can be done. Just be careful and patient. ;)

Mephisto Metalworks and Aeronautics
The Future is now.

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