Flying policecar/ -boat
by Mephisto
uploaded 2023-03-23
mod+DLC rover
#flying #police #car #policecar #boat

Flying Police car (/boat)


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 55
  • Mods: 3
  • KSP: 1.12.5


  • Breaking Ground DLC
  • Squad (stock)
  • squadexpansion

Started out as a simple car for the offspring to learn driving in KSP.
Well, he wanted a police car, so here we are.

We wanted to go into the water near the KSC beach as well, so naturally jet engines and air intakes were needed.
Turned out that the Panther engine was not only a viable boat motor, but powerful enough to make the “car” fly out of the water.
A few modifications later, we ended up with a police car, which can operate well in the water and in the air.
Gotta love Kerbals and their sea / air / land security force near the KSC.


A mod aircraft called Flying policecar/ -boat. Built with 55 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2CargoBayL.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.


  • seating for two Kerbals
  • six rover wheels on retractable hinges. Retracted wheels are shielded from drag inside a cargo bay, enabling supersonic flight.
  • four landing gears for high impact landings
  • drag-shielded bumper steel bars in front and behind
  • rapier engine with two air intakes. (Car still flies with a destroyed frontal air intake)
  • airbrakes
  • pair of parachutes
  • Front and back lights
  • Blinking police lights!

On the belly, the two hinges are visible. All six main wheel are mounted on these two hinges. Toggle the hinges and the wheels are stored inside the body, enabling supersonic flight.

Flying policecar boat landed safely in the water. Rapiers are good boat engines as well. Bit high fuel consumption, but otherwise okay.

Some parachutes for pinpoint landings. You can land regularly as well. With easy flight characteristics, landing gears and airbrakes landing is not that difficult.

Mephisto Metalworks and Aeronautics
The Future is now.

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