Su-57 “Felon” (aka T-50)
by Mars-Bound_Hokie
uploaded 2024-12-18
stock aircraft
#Sukhoi #Russia #su57 #t50 #fighter

The Su-57 on display in the SPH.

  • I included the NATO nickname Felon in the craft name in case someone was looking for this plane but did not know the model number. Then again, Su-57 is a very popular fighter designation nowadays.
  • I also included Sukhoi’s internal designation, T-50, in case someone knew that too.
  • Just like with my F-22 Raptor replica, I included a Mk2 probe core with an oxidizer-full Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter set to drain last behind it. It’s quite the popular addition to a lot of my aircraft replicas lately.
  • For the air intakes, I two radially-attached adjustable ramp intakes right next to each other and underneath the wings per engine. Unfortunately, the regular-sized adjustable ramp intakes were too big for a smooth aesthetic.
  • The real Su-57 had control surfaces on the front of the wings, so I included those as well in my replica. It was able to take off at approximately 80 m/s, so the pitch controls were left on for those.
  • To keep the engines straight, I attached their Mk1 Liquid Fuel tanks to the sides of the short Mk2 Liquid Fuel tank and moved them back before moving them closer to the inside. That way I won’t have to rely on the slanted edges of the long Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter in the back.
  • I did the best I could to mimic the real Su-57’s belly.

An Su-57 from Yeltsin launching countermeasures while pitching up at 20 degrees.

  • Although the Marxan Union had been gone for a long time, the Yeltsin Federation that replaced it still designed, built, and flew their own military aircraft - albeit not at a large a scale as its predecessors.
  • The Su-57 was the latest successful model in their quest for their own stealth aircraft.
  • Why Felon was picked as the nickname, we’ll never know. However, there were (unconfirmed) rumors that Yeltsin’s government was preparing to dump whatever few Su-57s it had onto a penal unit in case it failed to perform adequately as a stealth fighter.

Cruising at 20.5 km altitude, the Su-57 is approaching Yeltsin airspace fast.

Real-life Counterpart Performance Stats

(Su-57 Felon)

Maximum Speed: 1,327 mph (593.2 m/s) at high altitude

  • Supercruise: 870 mph (388.9 m/s) at high altitude

Service Ceiling: 66,000 ft (20 km)
Maximum Range:

  • 2,200 miles (3,500 km) subsonic
  • 932 miles (1,500 km) supersonic

Combat Range: 780 miles (1,250 km)

Source: Wikipedia


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 62
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5

Flying over Maples, getting closer to the ocean by the second.

  • An unnamed Yeltsinian pilot had just commented on his radio that he could see the old Marxan Missile Site on his radar.
  • Soon after the flight was over, Maples officials had publicly accused Yeltsin of attempting to assert dominance over its airspace.


The Sukhoi Su-57, known among NATO forces as “Felon,” is a Russian single-seat twin-engine stealth multirole fighter. More specifically, it is the first Russian military aircraft designed with stealth technology and is intended to be the basis for a family of stealth combat aircraft. The first prototype flew in 2010, eventually entering service with the Russian Aerospace Forces ten years later. Sukhoi used America’s Lockheed Martin F-22 as the baseline for their supermaneuverable stealth fighter while addressing limitations such as an inability to use thrust vectoring to induce roll and yaw moments, a lack of space for weapons bays between the engines, and post-stall recovery complications. The Su-57, whose Sukhoi internal designation is T-50, has a wide blended wing body fuselage with two widely-spaced engines and all-moving horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Its trapezoid wings have leading edge flaps, ailerons, and flaperons.
In 2018, Russia’s Defence Ministry revealed that an Su-57 test-fired an air-launched cruise missile during a deployment to Syria. After its official introduction to military service, it first saw combat during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

A stock aircraft called Su-57 “Felon” (aka T-50). Built with 62 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.

The Su-57 passing over the equator while the sun is setting wherever it is on Kerbin.

  • That would make landing more difficult as it would be harder to find a nice spot - without Kerbnet.

With 60 fuel units left, the pilot turned right and began gliding to a relatively flat spot on the ground. Without Kerbnet, it would be difficult to near-impossible to find one right as the sun had disappeared behind the mountains.



Altitude: 20.5 km (~67.3k ft; Class Echo airspace)

  • FUN FACT: Class Alpha airspace goes from 18k ft ASL to 60k ft. Above that is (technically) Class Echo airspace - E for Everything Else.

Velocity: 1050 m/s (~2,348.9 mph)
Flight Time: 40 minutes


2,280 km before immediate landing necessary.

An unnamed pilot checking out the Su-57 after a perfect landing.

An Su-57 prototype launching countermeasures while doing a barrel roll in an aerial demonstration.

  • Engineers and pilots from Yeltsin had debated over whether or not it can take the F-22 in battle if war ever broke out on Kerbin.

For another test, the Su-57 is performing an aerial demonstration over a testing field. In this shot, it had already straightened itself out after an Immelman.*

  • Half-loop before corkscrewing right-side up.
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