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The Su-47 Berkut on display in the SPH.
- I included the
in the craft name so people who know this under its NATO designation can find it. - To accommodate the forward-swept wings while leaving a believable amount of room for the front canards, I had to lengthen the fuselage by adding a short Mk2 liquid fuel tank.
- While looking at photographs and models of the real Su-47 as well as an outline on Wikipedia, I noticed that the tail end on the starboard (right) side was different from the left. More specifically, it was longer than the left. It was a great opportunity to add some batteries so that the plane can have some power reserved when gliding.
- Immediately in front of the engines is a drag chute to slow down the plane during landing, although later testing proved this unnecessary. At least with how I was flying it.
- Right beside the engines are radially adjustable ramp intakes. They needed some more air due to flameouts in early tests.
- This was an experimental technology demonstrator for Russian stealth fighters, so it made sense for me to install nav lights at the wingtips so the prototype can be seen so easily. At the same time, if this thing were to actually see combat - like with those two psychopaths in Ace Combat - the nav lights should be kept separate from the main light switch so the enemy can’t see you so easily.
Uncovered photograph of an Su-47 undergoing a drag chute test at a Marxan airfield.
- The pilot accelerated the plane to at least 150 m/s on the runway before cutting the engines, then he applied the brakes and deployed the chute.
- Although odds were that he would be approaching at a slower velocity, the engineers wanted to make sure it was effective - and they were right.
Taking off and ascending to altitude at 20 degrees pitch.
- In the later years of the Marxan Union, its air force made Su-47s as technology demonstrators for stealth fighters. Although they have proven very maneuverable, aft-swept wing fighters performed better in supersonic flight.
- After the Marxan Union’s collapse, the Berkuts that were not scrapped or placed in a museum were sold to paying customers. Among the owners was KM Aerospace, a private military contractor group belonging to Kerbal Mercenaries.
- Yusai Kerman also owned an Su-47 in case any aircraft got too close to Creep Island, and it cost her almost all her kidnapped rivals. She never got a chance to use it, though. When Jeffrey Kerman acquired Creep Island, he kept the plane as a collector’s item.
Real-life Counterpart Performance Stats
(Su-47 Berkut)
Maximum Speed: 2,200 km/h (1,400 mph = 625.8 m/s) at altitude
Service Ceiling: 18,000 m (59,000 ft)
Range: 3,300 km (2,100 miles)
Source: Wikipedia
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 65
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.5
The Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut, known among NATO forces as “Firkin,” was a Russian experimental supersonic jet fighter. Its distinguishing feature is its forward-swept wing, which gave the aircraft excellent maneuverability. Like the American-made Grumman X-29, which also had a forward-swept wing, the Su-47 was mainly a technology demonstrator for future Russian fighters like the Su-57. While the forward-swept wing configuration was advantageous at transonic speeds, an aft-swept wing was superior when the aircraft was supersonic. Only one prototype was built before the project was cancelled.
A stock aircraft called Su-47 Berkut (aka Firkin). Built with 65 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
The Su-47 settling at cruising altitude while on fire.
- Panther engines were used at first in an attempt to mimic the aircraft’s real-life counterparts, but the plane decelerated even with their gimbals locked and the engines in wet mode. So, Whiplash engines were installed.
Flying over Kerbin’s north pole with the Mun in the sky.
- The old Marxan missile site was detected on Kerbnet.
Elke Kerman of KM Aerospace doing a corkscrew while landing over Kerbin’s southern polar ice cap.
- She was excited that she got to see the Mun in different parts of the world twice in less than an hour.
- If you look at the aft starboard side of the plane, you can see the tail end there longer than the port (left) side.
Altitude: 19.5 km (~64.0k ft; Class Echo airspace)
- FUN FACT: Class Alpha airspace goes from 18k ft ASL to 60k ft. Above that is Class Echo airspace - E for Everything Else.
Velocity: 1175 m/s (2,628.5 mph)
Flight Time: 42 minutes
2,770 km before immediate landing necessary.
- This plane glided for an additional 95 km afterwards before coming to a stop in the latest test flight.
KM Aerospace pilot Elke Kerman striking a pinup pose after landing on Kerbin’s southern ice cap.
- Her approach was so slow and smooth that a drag chute was not necessary in this case.
- Although her supervisor advised against it, the company’s board of directors offered Elke a bonus in exchange for at least one seductive photograph of herself on a company plane to be used for their new calendars.
A Marxan Su-47 owned by the Kerbal Space Program doing a barrel roll for the annual Kerbal AeroSpace Demonstration.
- The landing was a real nail-biter; the pilot was initially approaching at over 30 degrees before flaring. Thanks to the brake and the chute, he came to a stop rather quickly and the spectators cheered in awe of this stunt.