A-7 Corsair II
by Mars-Bound_Hokie
uploaded 2024-04-21
stock aircraft
#USA #A7 #Vought #LTV #navy

The A-7 Corsair II on display in the SPH.

  • To increase thrust and speed, I used two Wheesley engines clipped together (by using two crossfeed-enabled small hardpoints and small Oscar-B fuel tanks to attach them to the aircraft) and stashed them in a structural fuselage. However, the plane has one air intake - which has led to a few flaming outs in the very beginning and the end of the flight.
  • To address the flaming out, I used two air intakes clipped together. However, for some reason, that resulted in a worse cruise performance. So now, the replica has one air intake. You’ll get some flameouts in the beginning, but the engine/s will get back online soon and your plane will run better. To repeat, DO NOT add another air intake.
  • The real-life A-7 had an airbrake under the fuselage, so I included one in this replica. To make sure it didn’t activate along with the gear brakes, which would result in the plane losing balance and/or crashing while landing, I removed the airbrake from the brake action group and set it to be toggled by the AG5 button.
  • The wing connectors on the side of the fuselage are just for aesthetic purposes.

The A-7 firing decoys a minute after takeoff.

  • It only has eight, so use them wisely. Better yet, don’t get locked on by enemy missiles in the first place.

Historic photograph of an A-7 Corsair II flying over Kerbin’s oceans 15 minutes after taking off from a carrier. This plane was intended for close air support (CAS) against enemy ground units.

  • It should therefore come as no surprise that this plane was nominated to be transported to Laythe when Kerbin established a military presence there many decades later. The A-10 Warthog was also a good choice, but it was not designed for use on carriers. Either way, it got turned down for faster and more modern carrier-borne aircraft.

Real-life Counterpart Performance Stats

(A-7D Corsair II)

  • Maximum Speed: 663 mph (296 m/s)
  • Cruising Speed: 545 mph (244 m/s)
  • Service Ceiling: 33,500 feet (10.2 km)
  • Range: 3,044 miles (4,899 km)

Source: Air Force Museum Website


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 69
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5

After a little less than 45 minutes, the plane could fly at cruising speed and gradually ease up on the throttle. Of course, the pilot would be in for a very long flight if he didn’t have any missions to complete.


The Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV) A-7 Corsair II was an American carrier-based subsonic attack fighter used primarily by the U.S. Navy. It was developed during the 1960s as a replacement for the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, first entering military service in 1967. By the end of that year, A-7s were being deployed overseas for the Vietnam War. It achieved excellent accuracy thanks to automatic electronic navigation and weapons delivery systems. Soon, the U.S. Air Force and the Air National Guard would adopt A-7s to replace their aging Douglas A-1 Skyraider and North American F-100 Super Sabre fleets. The A-7 was designed mainly as a ground attack aircraft but had limited air-to-air combat potential. After the Vietnam War, it was used in other conflicts including the Invasion of Grenada, Operation El Dorado Canyon, the Gulf War, and the Invasion of Panama. It was also used to support the development of the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft.
The A-7 was retired from U.S. military service in 1991, and the Air National Guard two years later. In its place came newer generation fighters such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Hornet. Two foreign users, Portugal and Greece, retired their A-7 fleets in 1999 and 2014, respectively.

A stock aircraft called A-7 Corsair II. Built with 69 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.


A front view shot of the A-7 Corsair II flying over Kerbin.

Four hours and 3,000 kilometers later, and the plane had 20 fuel units left.

  • Just like with my C-141 Starlifter replica, I had to turn south to avoid running out of fuel while too far into water.

WARNING: the plane will get bouncy and will experience a few flameouts while landing, but if you know what you’re doing you could put the plane down in one piece. Also, make sure your airbrake is retracted before touchdown.

Airbrake test over the KSP.

  • Don’t worry about it tipping your plane up and throwing it off-balance before takeoff and during landing - unless you hit the AG5 button by mistake. The brake action group will not work on the airbrake.
  • Again, retract the airbrake before landing.

A navy pilot stepping out of the A-7 after putting the plane down on dry land.



Altitude: 7.4 km (~24.3k ft; Class Alpha airspace)
Velocity: 220 m/s (~492 mph)
Flight time: 4 hours


3,000 km before immediate landing necessary

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