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Here's howPut the craft file you've downloaded into the VAB sub folder in the Ships folder in your save;
Put the craft file you've downloaded into the VAB sub folder inside Ships in the root of KSP;
Back to Main Craft's Page
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Recommended experience level: Advanced/Expert
A stock rocket called Space Bus Mk 5. Built with 439 of whatever junk I found on the side of the road.
This craft will transport 67 Kerbals to the destination of your choosing. (Yes, even Eeloo if you’re careful). This vehicle is not capable of a return journey.
Flight tips: I’d highly recommend using the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod to ensure craft stability. Due to high liftoff weight, it is best to start your gravity turn very late. Also, please ensure TWR at landing point is >1. Warranty void if launched. Crafter not responsible for atomization of Kerbals due to craft malfunction or pilot error.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.0.4.
- Type: VAB
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 439
- Pure Stock